Club Information
ALL Clubs are to meet every month beginning in September. (The only exception would be any day or month we are not in school on the club’s scheduled date.)
1st Friday SWARM - BETA, FCA, FFA, Reading, eSPORTS 2nd Friday SWARM- 4H, Young Democrats, PEP Club, KYA 3rd Friday SWARM - FCCLA, FBLA, Young Republicans, Art Club, HOSA 4th Friday SWARM - Spoken Word, Student Council, TSA, PAC, Gaming Club |
Each sponsor will be responsible to turn in a roster of club members to the office. The office will provide a list of club members for all teachers ASAP after the September meetings.
Club Name Sponsor
Art Club Mr. Tate
BETA Club Ms. Riney / Mrs. R. Adkins
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of Am) Ms. Roberts
Gaming Club Mrs. Wagner
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Mrs. Nevitt / Mr. Mosby
FCCLA (Family & Consumer Science) Mrs. DeJarnette
FFA (Future Farmers of America) Mr. Smith
Pep Club Mr. Taylor/Mrs. A Estes
Reading Club Mrs. Szefi / Mrs. Ebelhar
Student Council Mrs. Ewing
TSA (Technology Student Assoc.) Mrs. Banta
4-H Lisa Hagman
Chess Club Mr. Fogle
Skills USA Mr. Duncan
Young Democrats Mr. Gray
Young Republicans Mrs. Helm
Leo Lions Jared Taylor
HOSA Mrs. Carnes
Academic Team Mrs. Wagner
Yearbook Mrs. Fischer
Class of 2024 Jeff Kessans
Class of 2025 Kirstin Wheatley / Aimee Estes
Class of 2026 Rhonda Adkins
Class of 2027 Trevor Garrison